Freddy Krueger Q-Fig

Strovolos, Nicosia,

Added: 24 May. 2022, at 12:24
| Ad ID number: #914 | Ad Views: 1063

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Condition: New


Teenagers in the town of Springwood are afraid to fall asleep. Because when they do, Freddy Krueger invades their dreams, terrorizing and murdering them from inside their minds.

Freddy, a serial killer with burn scars over his entire body and a glove filled with razor-sharp daggers, revels in your fear. He's invulnerable while inside a nightmare. His only weakness – reality itself. If his victims can drag him back to the conscious world when they awake, he can be killed like a normal man.

The terror of Freddy is enough to give anyone chronic insomnia. But it turns out, this destroyer of childhood dreams also makes an incredibly cute Q-Fig, as seen in this adorable collectible figure. Here's Freddy in all his demonic glory: brandishing his iconic glove and wearing a sardonic grin, as he stalks his next victim.

Categorie: Figure
Size (high): 10 cm
Material: high-quality PVC

Title: Freddy Krueger
Category: Figures
Approx. Height (Cm): 10
Material: High-Quality PVC
Age: 15+

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